Line/Extended brings together five artists whose work explores the potential of the drawn line and the expanded field of drawing. The exhibition investigates a more interrogative approach to drawing – one that extends outwards into a variety of mediums and disciplines.

Artists Rosana Antolí, Lucy Brown, George Eksts, Jane Grisewood and Andrea V Wright – whose works span traditional drawings on paper through to performative and site-specific pieces made especially for this exhibition – take their various lines for a walk around the three-dimensional space of the gallery. There is a sense of action in their works – whether live, latent, captured or documented. The opening event for the exhibition will include a participatory live “blind” drawing performance by Jane Grisewood.

Line/Extended celebrates drawing across the diverse practices of the exhibiting artists. Antolí, Brown, Eksts, Grisewood and Wright have all uniquely defined, or redefined, drawing based on their chosen context and personal focus.

The exhibition coincides with the national Big Draw Festival – the world’s biggest celebration of drawing.