UH Art Collection

The University of Hertfordshire Art Collection comprises of over 500 artworks displayed across its campuses. A wonderfully diverse collection, it features 13 impressive external sculptures and a portfolio of paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, ceramics and mixed-media works.

Sculpture Walk

The Sculpture Walk features a diverse collection of pieces that chart the evolution of British sculpture since the 1950s.

Located principally on College Lane Campus, the walk introduces 13 outdoor sculptures. You will encounter an abstract stone sculpture by the iconic Barbara Hepworth, a bronze torso by Henry Moore’s pupil John Farnham and a bespoke wall relief map by Trevor Tennant. The trail reveals Land Art by Andy Goldsworthy, as well as sound sculpture, interactive sculpture, assemblages and intervention into the landscape.

Self-guided Sculpture Walk maps are available to pick up from our Main Reception Building on College Lane Campus. Alternatively, click on the interactive map below and hover over the numbers to explore the Sculpture Walk and learn more about the sculptures in the Art Collection.

interactive sculpture map

Please note that Vertical Forms (number 7) is now located inside the Art + Design Gallery on the College Lane Campus, and Trees are the Lungs of the World (number 13) has been recently decommissioned.

Or watch our narrated Sculpture Walk Tour and experience the walk for yourself through this video.

Collection Artworks

The UH Art Collection is dispersed across publicly accessible sites on the College Lane and de Havilland campuses and the Fielder Centre, integrating artworks with the internal architecture and defining outside public spaces. Artworks enhance the University environment by presenting modern and contemporary art in places where people study, work and visit. The collection seeks to inspire and provoke, to generate new conversations for the University and regional communities.

Chapman Gallery is one of the main gallery spaces dedicated to showcasing the University’s Art Collection. The architecture bears witness to the institution's incredible evolution – for over sixty years this was the gateway into Hatfield Technical College, then Hatfield Polytechnic and now the University of Hertfordshire.

The Collection has 3 key strands:

  1. Historical - includes works by artists such as Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth and Reg Butler.
  2. Contemporary Artists - this group has been developed through UH Arts’ exhibition programme and membership of the Contemporary Art Society and includes works by Andy Goldsworthy and Alan Davie
  3. Student/Staff - includes works by Sam Jury and Diane MacLean.
Take a digital tour of the Chapman Gallery:

UH Art Collection Paintings showcase:
UH Art Collection Prints & Photography showcase:

UH Art Collection Textile & Mixed Media works showcase:
UH Art Collection Sculptures & 3D works showcase:
Explore our entire Art Collection on eHive by clicking the image below:

Collection of UH Artworks, link to ehive